PREVENTING Mass Shootings and Other Violence: A Comprehensive Community-based Threat Assessment, Incident Management & Prevention Platform is Necessary

Since the tragedy at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, OR most every news anchor, parent, student, education leader and government leader has been asking the same question…is there a SOLUTION to prevent future tragedies like what happened at Umpqua Community College? The answer is YES, tragedies can be prevented and are being prevented. A real proven SOLUTION does exist and it is proven in the real world by real organizations. The SOLUTION for PREVENTION involves a real-time community-wide effort of continuously collecting, assessing and connecting the dots. The SOLUTION for prevention requires proven tools like those found in the “Community-based Threat Assessment, Incident Management and … Continue reading PREVENTING Mass Shootings and Other Violence: A Comprehensive Community-based Threat Assessment, Incident Management & Prevention Platform is NecessaryRead More →