Did you see the article in the USA Today last week regarding TSA keeping a database of pushy flyers?

The pushy fliers program was launched in 2007 to help prevent the nation’s 50,000 airport screeners from being attacked or threatened.  TSA officials voiced concern about passengers disrespecting screeners so they began issuing new uniforms with police style badges pinned to shirts.  According to the article, the database has records from about 240 incidents and most are screeners in conflict with other screeners and 30 incidents involve passengers or airport workers attacking or threatening screeners.

Based on my experiences leaving a New York area airport this week, I understand why 8 times more incidents are screeners in conflict with other screeners.  And based on my experiences, I am also curious if TSA has started creating a database of TSA screeners that disrespect passengers?

These New York area TSA screeners seemed more interested in being bossy than screening passengers to ensure safety and security.  Maybe it’s the uniform and the pin on badge?  Maybe the uniforms are the problem?

Maybe the uniforms make TSA scanners behave like control freak umpires – like Cowboy Joe West and Bossy Bill Hohn – both are major league baseball umpires that forgot about their real job responsibilities because they were too busy trying to be in control.  MLB announced they were going to address Bill Hohn “in a very stern way”…perhaps lessons learned from the TSA database and lessons from MLB will help TSA address what seems to be a growing problem?

Passengers deserve respect and passengers deserve TSA scanners that put their roles and their responsibilities before their attitudes and personal control issues.

I wonder if organizational leaders are paying attention to these lessons learned when they travel? Or as organizational leaders watch TV and see all the negative feedback on umpires?

Organizational leaders must quickly realize that connecting the dots includes all types of dots – every good, bad and bossy individual must be connected to the organization’s culture and be accountable for their roles, responsibilities, obligations and decisions.

Did your organization use these lessons learned to achieve better results with your passengers, fans, customers and partners?