Awareity’s Connecting The Dots Blog shares news and insights to help threat assessment teams, community, and organizational leaders, etc. prevent incidents.

Bias-based Decisions Can Be Overcome
Bias, we all make bias-based decisions. The definition of bias is having a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, a person, or a ...

First Preventers Believe…
First Preventers believe: Safety is different than Security Pre-Incident Prevention is far safer than Incident Response In connecting dots/silos before tragedies rather than after tragedies ...

Dangerous SILOS and Other Barriers
Dangerous SILOS and other barriers are old, long-term, recurring, and expensive problems in need of a new and different category of solutions to prevent more ...

Ready For a Different and Safer Future?
A Different and Safer Future Requires a Different Category of Solutions. A different and safer future exists. We know this is true thanks to early ...

Increasing Challenges and Concerns
Are you ok with increasing challenges, increasing incidents, increasing numbers of at-risk individuals and increasing fears/concerns, or would you like to see a radically different ...

Return on Investment and Return on Prevention
For the last 20+ years since Columbine and 9-11 and thousands of other incidents and tragedies, billions of dollars have been invested into security solutions, ...

Tired of INCREASING Chaos, Shootings, Violence, Abuse, Suicides, Liabilities, and more?
After most incidents (shootings, violence, hate crimes, abuse, suicides, bullying, etc.) the reports from US Secret Service, FBI, NTAC, news articles, and many others find ...

SB 553 – Checklist vs. Do List
The new SB 553 bill requires an employer to “establish, implement, and maintain, at all times in all work areas, an effective workplace violence prevention ...

A New Era – First Responders AND First Preventers
The Columbine Massacre in 1999 and the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks in 2001 were two significant tragedies that set into motion an era of enormous investments ...

Legal – Defense Costs, Increasing Liabilities, and Soaring Settlements
$4B – Corporate defense spending on class action lawsuits increased to nearly $4 billion in 2023, with labor and employment claims the main driver of ...

Awareity’s Impressive Return on Value and Return on Prevention
Implementing Awareity’s First Preventers Framework of tools and strategies is easier when you can show Return on Value (ROV) and Return on Prevention (ROP). For ...

Symptoms of Fear, Distrust, Lack of Accountability, and Rising Concerns for Safety
Symptoms are important warning signs that must be recognized and acted on before things get worse. Symptoms reveal whether you have a cold, flu, covid, ...

“We failed to connect the dots.”
Do you know the most common excuse/reason cited after almost every tragedy? Most of us have heard it hundreds and hundreds of times. “We failed ...

The Profile of Failed Preventions: Validated By Data, Dangerously Common, and Fixable
Since Columbine in 1999, many government agencies, experts, and authors have been searching for the “profile of mass shooters”, however the data has shown the ...

It’s Time to Make Student Safety A Higher Priority Than School/Campus Security
Facts, lessons learned, student surveys, and lawsuits expose why priority changes are urgently needed for making Student Safety a higher priority than School/Campus Security. School/Campus ...

School Safety: If you needed surgery for a tumor, which surgeon would you choose?
Curious how a tumor and a surgeon relate to School Safety? Let me explain… Would you choose a foot surgeon, a heart surgeon, or oncology ...

Early Detection in Cancer, Shooters, and Other At-Risk Individuals
Would you rather detect cancer (and shooters) at Stage 4 or Stage 1? Detecting cancer at early stages increases your risk of surviving cancer. For ...

Improving Safety Depends on Knowing What You Don’t Know, What Others Know, and Need to Know…
If you are looking for safer schools, workplaces, and communities consider this… After nearly every mass shooting in schools, workplaces, and communities, post-incident reports reveal ...

We Have Lots of Laws, Why Are We Experiencing Record Levels of Shootings and Violence?
Did you know a federal law targeting murder was passed in the Crimes Act of 1790? It stated: "If any person or persons shall, within ...

A Better Way: Pre-Incident Prevention
What if there was a better way to identify and disrupt at-risk individuals before they attack? As I review headlines from stories in mainstream media, ...