I wrote a couple blogs in December 2010 about importance of solving bullying problems and about the importance of awareness, accountability and measurability in solving problems. The underlying message in each of those 2010 blogs was to point out the need to SOLVE problems rather than just talking about what SHOULD be done.
So in honor of Groundhog Day and the movie Groundhog Day, today is the perfect day to shed some light (or shade) on the dreaded “should all over yourself syndrome”.
And for you Tony Robbins fans, you may have heard Tony tell us all to: “Stop shoulding all over yourself”.
So what do I mean by same should different day? From today going forward, see how many times you come across the same shoulds in a:
- Headline news story telling you what you should do
- Risk assessment report citing you should do this and you should do that
- Seminar, webinar or conference with an expert telling everyone they should do this or do that
- New or updated regulations and mandates saying you should do this or do that
Or see how many times you catch yourself or your manager telling employees they:
- Should do this…
- Should do that…
- Shouldn’t do this…
- Shouldn’t do that…
Should is not the same as Solving. Should is a thought or an idea…Solving is taking action.
And now that January is over…stay tuned because going forward I will be blogging about numerous ways to take action and solve numerous problems and burdens.