We know from a lot of research and lessons learned that the right information comes in many different forms and the right people includes many different individuals who can be located in many different places who need the right information at many  different times so they can all do the right things.  The next critical effort in the process of doing the right things involves the right documentation.

The right documentation is required and/or critically needed for:

  • Compliance with Federal Laws
  • Compliance with State Laws
  • Compliance with Organizational Policies & Standards
  • Legal Due Diligence in potential lawsuits
  • Ongoing Risk Management and Risk Assessment Efforts
  • Internal Controls and Progress Tracking
  • Measuring Situational Awareness at the Individual Level
  • Measuring Accountability at the Individual Level
  • CYA and many other continuously changing obligations…

Lawsuits, examinations, accreditations and audits reveal the majority of organizations are attempting to meet their critically needed documentation efforts with haphazard approaches which can include manually intensive, paper intensive, spreadsheet-based, internal databases and etc.  Lessons learned reveal time and time again these status quo documentation approaches are expensive, lack the level of integrity needed for lawsuits, do not deliver secure information sharing capabilities and lead to gaps and disconnects that prevent organizations from doing the right things and being able to prove it.  These haphazard and outdated approaches can lead to huge and costly liabilities for your organization.

I have been involved in risk management, risk mitigation and prevention efforts for nearly 30 years and I after seeing way too many incidents (especially student safety, suicides, targeted attacks, domestic violence, child abuse and others) that could have been and should have been prevented…I decided it was time for a change and time to make a difference.

My 30+ years of experiences and my passion for child safety and my focus on preventing preventable tragedies is what motivates me to research hundreds and hundreds of tragedies, lawsuits and numerous other incidents.   When you do as much research as we have done and continue to do here at Awareity and when you ask enough questions about how this happened, or why this happened, or why this did not happen, why this was not prevented and many other questions….the failures and results clearly reveal that the majority of organizations and individuals involved lacked the right tools for getting the right information to the right people in the right places at the right times with the right documentation so people could do the right things.

As successes continue to mount with early adopter organizations and as feedback from early adopters continue to provide incredibly valuable ideas, we continue to make the right tools even better. I also make an effort to reach out to others who have and share incredible passion about safety, hope and prevention including Kirk Smalley, Bob Johnson, Debbie Ferruzzi, Tenna Whitsel, Dr. Sang Lee and many others.  By combining our passions and our ideas, we are making a bigger difference and we are helping others see how the right tools can get the right information to the right people in the right places at the right times with the right documentation so more people can do the right things.

If you would like to learn more about our passions or see how early adopters are leading the way for others, visit https://www.awareity.com or http://www.tipsprevent.com.