notyouraverageTIPS Prevention Platform

TIPS (Threat Assessment, Incident Management and Prevention Services) is an innovative platform of web-based tools designed to empower students, faculty, staff and other campus community members to confidentially and anonymously report concerning behaviors and potentially harmful student safety concerns, including weapons, drug/alcohol use, gangs, harassment or intimidation, vandalism, physical/sexual assaults, threats of violence, suicide risk, abuse and others. Once reports are made, TIPS provides a central and secure system for campus personnel to proactively investigate the concern, objectively assess the situation, track and document actions taken and monitor individuals with ongoing follow-ups and reminders.


Why TIPS Works

PREVENTION vs. REACTION. Traditional security hardware and procedures such as installation of bulletproof glass, mass notification systems, cameras and lockdown drills are reactive in nature, meaning they are only used when reacting to an active threat already on your college. TIPS allows colleges and universities to prevent incidents, avoid escalation of events, track trends, reduce liability, save lives, and actively provide a safe campus.

For more detailed information on who uses TIPS and examples of real incidents addressed using TIPS, click here.

awareity-diagramHow TIPS Works

  • Anonymous or confidential online reporting
  • Hotline capability
  • Fully manageable/customizable by college/university
  • Surveys/forms
  • Real-time report dashboard
  • Incident tracking and documentation
  • Threat assessment/behavior assessment
  • Awareness and accountability vault
  • Community-wide involvement

To learn how TIPS can help your organization follow an effective Path to Prevention and for a full list of the features available in TIPS, click here.

Why TIPS is Different

An incident reporting system or hotline is a good first step; however, TIPS takes your safety efforts to the next level with back-end incident management and threat assessment tools to track an incident to its resolution. Standard incident reporting systems can become a college’s biggest nightmare if multiple incident reports are coming in, but staff lack the right tools to respond in a timely and effective way. If the team is not equipped to coordinate across silos (campus locations, offices, residence halls, mental health, law enforcement, etc.), securely and immediately share information, successfully perform behavioral assessments, update the team on the latest investigation, monitor situations ongoing and connect at-risk individuals with mental health support, the evidence is clear most situations will only continue to escalate or get worse.

To learn more about the advantages of TIPS over traditional reporting systems, click here.

Platform Enhancements

TIPS is a comprehensive solution. Additional features and enhancements listed below:

Awareness Vault
Student Awareness Vault
Cawood Assessment Grids