K12 Success Stories
Student Safety Priority at Umonhon Nation Schools: Anonymous Reporting First Step in Prevention
With a strong focus on community-based prevention, Umonhon Nation Schools is providing a new resource called TIPS to report potential ...
Connecting the Dots: Interview with Bradley County Public Schools
Switching gears back to education, Rick met with Bradley County Public Schools Safety and Security Director, Scotty Hernandez. Scotty is ...
Connecting the Dots: Interview with Twin Rivers Schools
These counselors are making a huge difference! Another interview, this time with High School Counselor, Christina Miller from Twin Rivers ...
Connecting the Dots: Interview with Westfield Washington Schools
Another great interview with Middle School Counselor, Craig Spinner, from Westfield Washington Schools. In 2014, Westfield Washington Schools had the ...
Connecting the Dots: Interview with the Regional Center for Border Health
Rick also recently sat down with Amanda Agguire, former state senator and CEO and Founder of the Regional Center for ...