The Sad Truth: Innocent People Are Dying Because of Closed-Minded People

Are you concerned about all the Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assaults, Workplace Violence, Bullying, Social Media Attacks, Suicides, the Opioid Epidemic, Violence, Mass Shootings, and other acts of evil?

Are you concerned about the innocent children and adults being targeted in schools, houses of worship, businesses, entertainment venues, public streets, and other public gatherings?

What I am about to say might offend some people, but the facts are the facts and ignoring and procrastinating isn’t solving these serious issues.

Closed-minded people, on both ends of the belief and political spectrum, are a major reason why innocent children and adults are being killed.

On one spectrum, closed-minded “Alt Left” and “Alt Right” people are executing acts of evil by targeting and killing innocent children and adults because of their closed-minded beliefs and their unwillingness to consider different ideas.

On another spectrum, too many closed-minded Law Enforcement and Community Leaders are unwilling to consider new ideas and different solutions that could be saving lives of innocent citizens. (Even more sad because these different solutions are already proven to work)

Evidence from hundreds of attacks (from Columbine to Las Vegas to Texas to…the next one) reveals how evil doers are studying previous attacks and adapting their attack methods to create more chaos and more carnage in a shorter amount of time.

Evidence from hundreds of attacks (from Columbine to Las Vegas to Texas to…the next one) reveal how closed-minded Law Enforcement and Community Leaders keep following the same outdated strategies of adding more Security and more First Responders – even though the facts show it is impossible to secure every public location and First Responders physically cannot respond fast enough to new and faster attack methods.

It is the Sad Truth as to why so many Law Enforcement and Community Leaders are unwilling to adapt their status quo processes and unwilling to even see new and out-of-the-box strategies and tools that could be immediately helping their First Responders and First Preventers deliver safer communities.

If you are concerned about increasing acts of evil and if you are concerned about innocent children and adults being targeted and killed in schools, houses of worship, businesses, entertainment venues, public streets and other public gatherings, I would like to connect with you.

If you are open-minded to new and different strategies and tools, I would like to connect with you.

If you are willing to see the proven and first-of-its-kind Community-wide Fusion Platform and see how it is different from conventional status quo tools your Law Enforcement and Community currently uses, I would like to connect with you.

The truth is this… preventing is a chosen action, reacting is a forced one. 

If you are open-minded, let’s connect and explore the possibilities and choose to start saving lives, reputations, and bottom lines.

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