Making new year predictions about Information Security and Hackers is not difficult based on knowledge, evidence, and lessons learned from previous years.

2018 Prediction:  Hackers will continue to hack your weakest links, unaware people (employees, contractors, vendors, third-party service providers, etc.) and unpatched systems, to gain access to unauthorized information.

2018 Prediction: Hackers will continue to steal information from organizations (like yours) which they gained access to and then sell it or use it to make money.

2018 Prediction: Hackers will continue to encrypt information from organizations (like yours) which they gain access to and request a ransom payment for in order to unlock the critical information.

2018 Prediction: Hackers will continue to learn from previous attack methods and continue to adapt their attack methods to be even more successful.

2018 Prediction: Organizations who learn from previous attacks and then implement simpler and better strategies and tools to deliver ONGOING AWARENESS to their people (employees, contractors, vendors, third-party service providers, etc.) will turn Hackers away and on to organizations who are still using status quo conventional Information Security Awareness Training efforts designed to meet annual check-the-box compliance requirements. 

You don’t have to run faster than the bear, just faster than the person next to you.

Same goes with Hackers, you don’t have to be smarter than the Hackers, you have to make sure your organization has less weak links than other organizations.

Ready to learn how?

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