An open letter to Sean Hannity
Mr. Hannity,
You asked: “Why have we not started some sort of system of monitoring these radicals and getting to them BEFORE they attack?”
The real solution is buried in the DATA and in the massive amounts of evidence. and Awareity’s prevention specialists have spent thousands of hours researching, analyzing, and then connecting all the right dots, but we took it many steps further… we utilized the thousands of hours of research and developed strategies and the right tools, and we are happy to say a solution – a PROVEN solution – exists.
Unfortunately, the solution is not just getting the “pieces of the puzzle” to Law Enforcement – the competent bad guys and terrorists – are NOT committing a crime so Law Enforcement / First Responders are limited in what actions they can take. The DATA reveals how people in the “Community” almost always observed the “missing and vital pieces of the puzzle” (concerning behaviors, social media postings, suspicious activities, comments, etc.) and these “pieces of the puzzle” are the ones that the FBI and other Law Enforcement agencies do not have… and First Preventers do not have. The solution involves new, different thinking, and world-changing Community-wide Preventing strategies for First Preventers who can intervene and prevent. The solution also involves better ways of collecting the “pieces of the puzzle” and then getting them to the right people in the right places at the right time so they can do the right things… BEFORE the attacker attacks.
We hope you will take the time to review the DATA, because DATA does not lie, and just like you, we’re tired of being attacked.
Asking the right questions is a good start, but solutions are what people want and need… will you help us share the data and the solution?
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