“Child abuse is incredibly common,” Patterson said. “The community as a whole has to be involved in order to make a difference.” Read the full article here.
Is your Threat Assessment Team (TAT) seeing all the Warning Signs your community members are? To succeed, it’s time they were…
Awareity specializes in helping Threat Assessment Teams learn how to not only connect with their community (First Preventers), but also provides award-winning and proven Threat Assessment Team tools to intervene, disrupt, and prevent incidents before they occur. Are you ready to involve your community in order to save lives, reputations, and bottom lines?
More Warning Signs:

#WarningSigns: Community-wide Efforts
“Child abuse is incredibly common,” Patterson said. “The community as a whole has to be involved in order to make ...

#WarningSigns: Anonymous Reporting for Safety
The District Attorney's office says one of the most common problems with domestic violence cases is that victims refuse to ...