The District Attorney’s office says one of the most common problems with domestic violence cases is that victims refuse to come forward. In order for anything to change in those cases, the District Attorney’s office needs victim cooperation and police need victims to report domestic violence. – Megan Abundis
To see the whole picture and save lives, it’s important to give victims and their community a way to securely and truly anonymously report Warning Signs so they can feel safe and get the right people the information they need. Does your solution do that? Awareity’s Platform is truly anonymous and is helping communities successfully save lives, are you ready to learn how?
More Warning Signs:

Warning Signs & Red Flags: Where were they?
Have you ever been involved in a post-incident investigation and found out others were aware of warning signs and red ...

Threat Assessment Teams: Are you equipping yours for success?
A lot of schools, organizations, and communities are focusing on threat assessment teams (TATs) right now, are you equipping yours ...