This message is probably the most important message for LEADERS of schools, higher ed, organizations, and communities that I’ve ever shared in any of my videos. When you don’t know what others know, bad things can happen and we see examples of bad things happening on a DAILY basis. To stop the bad things from happening, a new Prevention Model is needed, because more security and hardening is getting ready to react to an attack, not preventing an attack. To all LEADERS, when you don’t know what 20+ years of research data has exposed about proactively PREVENTING incidents and tragedies, your organization and community areRead More →

The big question on everyone’s mind after an incident or a tragedy is, will more security help? Let’s take a look at the facts. In 2018 the global physical security market was $84.1 BILLION and projected to grow, and yet there were still over 300 mass shootings in the United States. Security solutions have limitations when it comes to preventing future attacks and tragedies. A major limitation of security is in organizations and situations where you have an open environment which is the case for the majority of schools, organizations (during business hours), and communities in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security recognizedRead More →

With the recent stories out of Ohio State, Baylor, Harvard, Michigan State University, and others it’s clear that institutional failures are an epidemic. Institutional failures are costly, often costing institutions the lives of their people, their reputations, and their bottom lines. The solution to these failures doesn’t involve designating a department, writing a policy or law, or implementing more silo systems. What’s needed is an institution-wide and community-wide solution. Do you have an institution-wide solution (that’s award-winning and proven in institutions across the country) to fix institutional failures? If not, you NEED to contact Awareity today. Looking for more information? Click here or use the formRead More →

Are you tasked with keeping students safe but you don’t afford an SRO or more SROs? There’s a better solution for threat assessment teams, watch now! Looking for more information? Click here or use the form to your right to reach out and we’ll be in touch with more information! Real people connecting the dots, who could ask for more?  Read More →

As executives, board members, and leaders you probably have tons of trainings, policies, laws, guidelines, standard, etc. that form the recipes for your leadership and the actions of your employees, students, community members, etc., but do you and your people have the right tools to actually get the job done right? Looking for more information? Click here or use the form to your right to reach out and we’ll be in touch with more information! Real people connecting the dots, who could ask for more?  Read More →