Implementing Awareity’s First Preventers Framework of tools and strategies is easier when you can show Return on Value (ROV) and Return on Prevention (ROP). For Return on VALUE, consider the potential costs, pains, and consequences of incidents and tragedies when they are NOT prevented: Lives Lost Futures Ruined Reputation Damages Lawsuits and Settlements Trauma and Fear Lack of Trust Upset Families / Friends Culture Changes Workplace Distractions Negative Headlines Regulatory Fines Investigations (federal, state, legal, etc.) Insurance and Insurability And more… For Return on VALUE, consider all of the benefits of Pre-Incident Prevention when First Preventers are working together (trust, safety, less fear, confidence, unity,Read More →

Symptoms are important warning signs that must be recognized and acted on before things get worse.  Symptoms reveal whether you have a cold, flu, covid, or other viruses and what actions to take next. Symptoms reveal what type of cancer you might have, and which immediate actions need to be taken. Symptoms also reveal why record levels of violence, suicides, overdoses, shootings, and other incidents are occurring in schools, colleges, workplaces, and communities.  Symptoms reveal why organizations and communities are overwhelmed and why they are facing more and more costly responses, long-term recoveries, liabilities, lawsuits, and numerous other unwanted consequences. Symptoms reveal things are gettingRead More →

Do you know the most common excuse/reason cited after almost every tragedy? Most of us have heard it hundreds and hundreds of times. “We failed to connect the dots.”  After school attacks (Columbine, Sandy Hook, Parkland, Uvalde, Oxford, and numerous others). After terrorism attacks (9-11 Attacks, San Bernardino, Boston Marathon, and numerous others). After mass attacks (Virginia Tech, Orlando, El Paso, Las Vegas, Maine, and numerous others). After suicides, workplace violence, drug overdoses, hate crimes, and numerous other incidents. “We failed to connect the dots” is the most common excuse/reason for failing to prevent preventable incidents. Why?  Because it is extremely difficult to “connect theRead More →

Since Columbine in 1999, many government agencies, experts, and authors have been searching for the “profile of mass shooters”, however the data has shown the “profile of mass shooters” does not exist. Also since Columbine in 1999, I have been researching hundreds and hundreds of shootings in schools, colleges, workplaces, and public spaces to understand why prevention efforts failed and looking for the “profile of failed preventions”.  Data validates the “profile of failed preventions” does exist. What is the Profile of Failed Preventions? After every mass shooting (as well as other incidents like workplace violence, domestic violence, school violence, suicides, drug overdoses, human trafficking, bullying,Read More →

Facts, lessons learned, student surveys, and lawsuits expose why priority changes are urgently needed for making Student Safety a higher priority than School/Campus Security. School/Campus Security is needed, however School/Campus Security (cameras, alarms, locks, gunshot detection, panic buttons, shields, etc.) solutions are not effective at collecting, sharing, assessing, and utilizing the almost always exhibited pre-incident warning signs so always available resources can take proactive pre-incident intervention actions to address soaring Student Safety challenges. STUDENT SAFETY involves proactively helping, intervening, and preventing escalations of at-risk individuals struggling with grievances, depression, suicidal ideation, violence (domestic, dating, community, etc.), sexual abuse, human trafficking, drugs, bullying, stalking, hazing, andRead More →

Curious how a tumor and a surgeon relate to School Safety?  Let me explain… Would you choose a foot surgeon, a heart surgeon, or oncology surgeon to remove a tumor in your body? No disrespect to foot surgeons or heart surgeons, but the oncology surgeon is a better choice for removing a tumor. (it was for me) If your goal is to intervene and prevent incidents before they occur (pre-incident prevention), should you choose a Security expert (incident mitigation), a First Responder (incident response), or a Pre-Incident Prevention expert? No disrespect to Security experts or First Responders, but the Pre-Incident Prevention expert is the betterRead More →

Would you rather detect cancer (and shooters) at Stage 4 or Stage 1? Detecting cancer at early stages increases your risk of surviving cancer. For example, Stage 1 means the cancer is localized to a small area and hasn’t spread to lymph nodes or other tissues. Stage 2 means the cancer has grown, but it hasn’t spread. Stage 3 means the cancer has grown larger and has possibly spread to lymph nodes or other tissues. Stage 4 means the cancer has spread to other organs or areas of your body. What about potential shooters in your school, workplace, or community, would you rather detect themRead More →

If you are looking for safer schools, workplaces, and communities consider this… After nearly every mass shooting in schools, workplaces, and communities, post-incident reports reveal each incident had the following in common: ✓ Pre-Incident Indicators were exhibited by the attacker(s) and available before the attack. ✓ Community Sources (students, employees, community members, etc.) observed the Pre-Incident Indicators before the attack. ✓ Numerous Incident Reporting options were available and utilized before the attack. ✓ Organization and Community Resources (threat assessment teams, mental health, city/county offices, social workers, etc.) were available before the attack. ✓ Law Enforcement was available before the attack. ✓ Security solutions were inRead More →

Did you know a federal law targeting murder was passed in the Crimes Act of 1790? It stated: “If any person or persons shall, within any fort, arsenal, dockyard, magazine, or in any other place, or district of country, under the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, commit the crime of willful murder, such person or persons, on being thereof convicted, shall suffer death.” Since 1790 it has been against the law to murder, yet we are experiencing record levels of murders and attempted murders in shootings and other acts of violence in schools, workplaces, and public spaces. Based on data and history,Read More →

What if there was a better way to identify and disrupt at-risk individuals before they attack? As I review headlines from stories in mainstream media, local news reports, and as I review numerous conversations on platforms like LinkedIn… a lot of people are asking why aren’t we identifying and disrupting the at-risk individuals who are in distress, in crisis, and escalating towards an attack before they attack? What if there was a better and proven way to identify and disrupt more at-risk individuals before they attack? Here’s some good news for you among all the bad news, there is a better and proven way, andRead More →