The big question on everyone’s mind after an incident or a tragedy is, will more security help? Let’s take a look at the facts. In 2018 the global physical security market was $84.1 BILLION and projected to grow, and yet there were still over 300 mass shootings in the United States. Security solutions have limitations when it comes to preventing future attacks and tragedies. A major limitation of security is in organizations and situations where you have an open environment which is the case for the majority of schools, organizations (during business hours), and communities in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security recognizedRead More →

With the recent stories out of Ohio State, Baylor, Harvard, Michigan State University, and others it’s clear that institutional failures are an epidemic. Institutional failures are costly, often costing institutions the lives of their people, their reputations, and their bottom lines. The solution to these failures doesn’t involve designating a department, writing a policy or law, or implementing more silo systems. What’s needed is an institution-wide and community-wide solution. Do you have an institution-wide solution (that’s award-winning and proven in institutions across the country) to fix institutional failures? If not, you NEED to contact Awareity today. Looking for more information? Click here or use the formRead More →

Preventive Intelligence is the Real Game Changer Everyone Wants (and NEEDS) Most people have heard about Artificial Intelligence, but have you heard about Preventive Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting a lot of headlines and hype, however, the recently released book, Architects of Intelligence noted that most Artificial Intelligence experts say it could be 10, 30, 80 years, or more before Artificial Intelligence delivers artificial general intelligence. When it comes to active assailants, active shooters, terrorists, extremists, and numerous other evil doers, waiting years and years for Artificial Intelligence is clearly not an option we can afford. Preventive Intelligence, however, is real and making organizationsRead More →

Have you ever been involved in a post-incident investigation and found out others were aware of warning signs and red flags BEFORE the incident occurred? Have you seen the headlines after an incident? Data reveals most incidents and tragedies had enough warning signs and red flags recorded before the incident occurred, so why weren’t these tragedies prevented? Hint: It has to do with a Threat Assessment Team’s ability to connect the dots and take action, not just collect warning signs for later. Looking for more information? Click here or use the form to your right to reach out and we’ll be in touch with more information!Read More →

A lot of schools, organizations, and communities are focusing on threat assessment teams (TATs) right now, are you equipping yours for success? In the DHS School Security Guide (2018) they state that “The importance of detecting and addressing concerning behavior, thoughts, or statements cannot be overstated. In fact, preventing violence by detecting and addressing these red flags is more effective than any physical security measure.” Our data supports this fact, does your threat assessment team have the tools to support this fact? Let’s face it, could your surgical team be successful with a plastic knife? Don’t wait, it’s time to give your Threat Assessment TeamRead More →

April 2019 was a fantastic month for Awareity. Validation. The April 2019 ASIS Security Management Magazine Case Study featured Sarpy County (NE) and their impressive successes with making schools, higher education institutions, and entire communities safer. Captain Griger and the Sarpy County’s Sheriff Office implemented Awareity’s next-generation tools and strategies to eliminate gaps, silos, and disconnects that too often lead to big problems for schools, higher education, police departments, local government agencies across communities and counties. Recognition. 30,000+ attendees were in Las Vegas for ISC West where awards were announced for top products and innovation.  Security Sales & Integration Magazine and top security experts selectedRead More →

“Child abuse is incredibly common,” Patterson said. “The community as a whole has to be involved in order to make a difference.” Read the full article here. Is your Threat Assessment Team (TAT) seeing all the Warning Signs your community members are? To succeed, it’s time they were… Awareity specializes in helping Threat Assessment Teams learn how to not only connect with their community (First Preventers), but also provides award-winning and proven Threat Assessment Team tools to intervene, disrupt, and prevent incidents before they occur. Are you ready to involve your community in order to save lives, reputations, and bottom lines? Click here to learnRead More →

The District Attorney’s office says one of the most common problems with domestic violence cases is that victims refuse to come forward. In order for anything to change in those cases, the District Attorney’s office needs victim cooperation and police need victims to report domestic violence. – Megan Abundis To see the whole picture and save lives, it’s important to give victims and their community a way to securely and truly anonymously report Warning Signs so they can feel safe and get the right people the information they need. Does your solution do that? Awareity’s Platform is truly anonymous and is helping communities successfully save lives,Read More →

Awareity is honored to be a winner of the Security Sales & Integration Magazine 2019 SSI MVP Award. Our proven, and award-winning Connecting the Dots Platform for Intervention and Prevention won a top spot and recognition in the category of “Central Station/Monitoring” as well as a finalist position in the category of “Business Operations”. Security Sales & Integration Magazine Most Valuable Product (MVP) Awards, honor superior products and services for electronic security industry professionals. The MVP Awards recognize superlative security products that make a substantial impact on integrators. “Each year, thousands of electronic security products are introduced. SSI has launched the MVP Awards to distinguish andRead More →

“We know that post-traumatic stress and catastrophic events can cause depression. And there can be suicidal thoughts. But we really now are seeing that there’s a big risk and that’s why we want to get these kids the help that they really need to make sure that someone is looking out for them. Usually, the first six months following an event are the scariest because it’s the most acute. But then after that, it’s anytime there’s an anniversary. And anytime that there’s something significant. But we still see that people who are affected, it can happen at any time.” – Dr. Nicole Mavrides Warning Signs andRead More →