Awareity’s Connecting The Dots Blog shares news and insights to help threat assessment teams, community, and organizational leaders, etc. prevent incidents.

Innovator’s Edge Podcast: Rick Shaw

It was an honor to connect with ITL CEO Wayne Allen on the Innovator's Edge Podcast! Together we discussed how Awareity's innovative "Smart Platform" solution ...

Attention Executives: Threat Assessment Teams and The Right Tools

Surgical Teams need the right tools. SWAT Teams need the right tools. Football Teams need the right tools.  To get the best results and the right ...

Preventing or Responding to Shootings: Which would you choose?

2019 includes the one-year anniversary of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre and the 20-year anniversary of Columbine High School massacre… and unfortunately way too ...

The Right Tools: Would you choose a surgeon with a plastic knife? Or a football player with no pads?

How Important is Having the RIGHT Tools?? The Super-Duper Football game is coming up this weekend and everyone's talking about who is the better team, ...

Southeast Education Network’s School Safety Guide: Enough is Enough!

Enough IS ENOUGH! How to Think Different to Prevent School Shootings and Violence Enough is Enough! Different thinking is needed to prevent school shootings and ...

Cybercrime Gangs and Cybercrime for Hire

Cybercrime Gangs and Cybercrime for Hire – Are You Sure Your People Are Ready for This? According to, Cybercrime Gangs are hiring! Cybercrime gangs ...

Thousand Oaks, Pittsburgh, Parkland, Vegas… WHY Do Bad Things Keep Happening?

Had enough with bad things happening? If you agree it is time to start PREVENTING tragedies and evil, please continue reading. Immediately below is the ...

Connecting the Dots: September 2018

September was a very interesting month and a very good month for connecting the dots – including international dots. Transcending Boundaries Together & Pilot Program ...

Connecting the Dots: August 2018

August was a good month for connecting the dots. 2018 National School Security Roundtable August started with the 2018 National School Security Roundtable in Washington, ...

HOW to PREVENT Shootings, Violence, Tragedies and Incidents

HOW can schools, organizations, and communities PREVENT shootings, violence, tragedies, and other incidents? The sad truth is most shootings, violence, tragedies, and other incidents were ...

Active Shooters: Does Preventing Them Require a Different Kind of Camera?

It's no secret Security Cameras are on almost every school and organization’s wish list, especially at budget time. In fact, billions of dollars have been ...

Gaps: School Safety & School Security: Common Failures Since 1999

Research reveals the biggest school security and school safety failures, and their common denominators. But do you know what the research says about school safety ...

Open Letter to: School Administrators, Community Leaders and Lawmakers

Dear School Administrators, Community Leaders, and Lawmakers: “Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – Napoleon ...